MUSICA DE Aaron Carter

Letra de Aaron Carter - Cowgirl Lil Mama, Musica de Aaron Carter - Cowgirl Lil Mama

Aaron Carter - Cowgirl Lil Mama

Letra de Aaron Carter - Cowgirl (lil Mama)
Yippy ki yo yippy yeh
Lil mama
Yippy ki yo yippy yeh
Lil mama
Yippy ki yo yippy yeh
I met myself a cowgirl
What you want
Put me on
Yippy ki yo yippy yeh
Lil mama
Yippy ki yo yippy yeh
Lil mama
Yippy ki yo yippy yeh
I met myself a cowgirl
What you want
Put me on

Ok this is how it went down
Sunday afternoon with the fellas at the playground
My father honked his horn at me
Said i had a show in texas and i gotta leave
Texas wow i never been
Maybe i can find a new hang out friend
Packin up my bags on the way
Signin autographs as i run to catch the plane
I seen her
Chubby cheeks with long braids, cute face, same age
Shes playin hard to get
As i offered her my name she just walked away
With a smile
Oh my little cowgirl


Now the plane landed
Shes been on my mind so much i cant stand it
My manager kept rushing me to go
I try to look for her

I give her tickets to the show
Hey aaron c'mon
Thought i see a cowboy hat
But everyone was ready and our luggage was packed
Lets go
Hesitent for leaving my heaven sent cowgirl
We went off to the hotel
As i practice in the hotel lobby
She was on my mind for a time
The fellas tryin to cheer me up
I come down with a case of puppy love
Oh aaron youll be alright
I went back to havin fun
Dancin makes you thirsty
Plus it was time for lunch at the hotel restaurant
Order me some burgers and fries
Then to my surprise walked in my cowgirl


Go go hey

Break it down little lady
Go go go
Break it down little lady
Go go
Break it down
I met myself a cowgirl
What you want
Put me on
Go go
Break it down little lady
Go go
Break it down little lady
Break it down
I met myself a cowgirl
What you want
Put me on

And now im on the stage
Performing in front of a capacity
Screaming guys
And screaming girls
But still no sign of my cowgirl
As i head to the other front part of the stage
There she stood
With a smile on her face
My cowgirl
Took her by the hand
Pulled her onstage
And i started to dance with my cowgirl



Letra de Aaron Carter - Cowgirl (lil Mama), Descargar Musica de Aaron Carter - Cowgirl (lil Mama), Escuchar musica online de Aaron Carter - Cowgirl (lil Mama), Cowgirl (lil Mama) - Aaron Carter Descargar Gratis, Bajar mp3 de Aaron Carter - Cowgirl (lil Mama), free download de Cowgirl (lil Mama) - Aaron Carter music

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