MUSICA DE Aaron Carter

Letra de Aaron Carter - I Would, Musica de Aaron Carter - I Would

Aaron Carter - I Would

Letra de Aaron Carter - I Would
I see you walking down my street every single day
girl, you never seem to have a smile on your face
what you need is someone
who will treat you right
from the morn to the noon, the noon to the night
aint no doubt about what i'm gonna do
make a long list i'm thinkin it through
you gotta think big if you want to suceed
i got plans girl, it's you and me
yo, ever since we met way back in the day
i'm thinkin' how to put it girl, what a can i say
to make you understand how far i'd go
for your heart girl, i just want you to know
that i'd do anything in this world for you
i'll push it to the land to the ends of the earth aint nothing i wont do i'll make your every single wish come true i'll take it to the end of the universe, give it all your courage, 'cause you know that i would
like evil kenivel, jumps a cannon like an eagle
i'll be your super hero
take it from me girl
like batman, spiderman, superman, i can be your man
be my jane, i'll be tarzan
romeo for juliet she'll never have another story in motive
they were made for each other
babe ruth had his bat
tiger was a knacky hack
can't you see girl, we go together like that
and one thing i'd like to mention
i'll give you every second of my full attention
i'll give you all of this, you know that i could so give me one chance to say i would
you see i wanna create
this kind of magical kingdom
with you as my queen, and your friends you can bring them
the law of the land is you always gotta party
so hop on my dirt bike and lets get started
to a fairy tale land, a fairy tale castle
be my baywatch girl, i'll be your david hassel
off, nah, we'll always keep it on
it's a double a, r-o-n singing you this song


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