MUSICA DE Aaron Carter

Letra de Aaron Carter - I Just Can T Wait To Be King, Musica de Aaron Carter - I Just Can T Wait To Be King

Aaron Carter - I Just Can T Wait To Be King

Letra de Aaron Carter - I just can't wait to be king
Way behind the water hole
A little down the line
The jungle and the plains and peaks
Are scheduled to be mine

I'm gonna be the ruler
Of most everything around
From the grandest of the mountains
To the humble common ground
My reign will be a super-awesome thing
Oh, I just can't wait to be king

I'm going to be a noble king
So enemies beware
I only need a little time
Perhaps a little hair

I'm gonna be the main event
Like no king before
I'm brushing up on looking down
I'm working on my roar
The fauna and the flora gonna swing
Oh, I just can't wait to be king

Nobody saying do this
Nobody saying be there
Nobody saying stop that
Nobody saying see here
Free to run around all day
I'll be free to do it my way

I wanna be king


Nobody saying do this
Nobody saying be there
Nobody saying stop that
Nobody saying see here
Free to run around all day, yeah
I’ll be free to do it my way

The time has come
As someone said
To talk of many things
This may be true
But I would rather stick to talking kings

It's easy to be royal
If you're already leonine
It isn't just my right
Even my left will be divine
The monarchy is waiting to go zing, yeah
Oh, I just can't wait to be king

Oh... Oh... Oh I just can't wait to be king
Oh, yeah... oh oh oh
King of the world, yeah
Oh (Oh)... Oh (Oh)... Oh I just can't wait to be king
I wanna be king
Come on

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