MUSICA DE Aaron Carter

Letra de Aaron Carter - I Will Be Yours, Musica de Aaron Carter - I Will Be Yours

Aaron Carter - I Will Be Yours

Letra de Aaron Carter - I Will Be Yours
Oh, I will be yours

I don't know what to do
I can't believe it's true that
You can make me feel this way
I see it in your eyes
It made me realize
There's something that I've got to say

I just wanna tell you that I'm sorry
For all the things I've done to make you worry
And all the time I cared for you from the bottom of my heart

I will be yours if you'll be mine
I will be there 'til the end of time
I will be with you until the day that I die
I'll be yours, I will be yours

I've been around the world
And seen a lot of girls
But no one can compare to you
It's really plain to see
That you belong to me
Cause you're the only one I need



I will be yours (2x)

Oh, I will be yours


I will be yours (2x)

Letra de Aaron Carter - I Will Be Yours, Descargar Musica de Aaron Carter - I Will Be Yours, Escuchar musica online de Aaron Carter - I Will Be Yours, I Will Be Yours - Aaron Carter Descargar Gratis, Bajar mp3 de Aaron Carter - I Will Be Yours, free download de I Will Be Yours - Aaron Carter music

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