MUSICA DE Aaron Carter

Letra de Aaron Carter - She Wants Me, Musica de Aaron Carter - She Wants Me

Aaron Carter - She Wants Me

Letra de Aaron Carter - She Wants Me
attention ladies and gentlemen...
school's in!
eh...shut up
time to teach you a little somethin' bro
heh heh ya right
what? whats this you say?
just back off dawg, she wants me
are you talkin' junk?
haha! dude you can't have her...c'mon
check it out
saw you when you were trying to kick it to her
got a little kiss and you were
tellin everybody that she was in to you
don't tell me you think about her
it's all become a little hotter
she's been going with me, i guess you never knew
don't get hung up about it
it's not you that she needs, no...
Aaron &nick;
i'm the one, she told me so
i don't want to be the one to tell you
it's not you she wants to see, it's me
aaron & nick:
so give it up, turn her loose
you and her were never meant to be
you're too blind to see
you gotta let it be, she want me me
she wants
aaron & nick:
me me
alright, i'm gonna break it down
she's got you kind of mixed up and twisted
you had a good shot and missed it
sorry bro, i guess you're getting too conflused
she told me i'm the one she runs to
whenever she wants a fun dude
you better get your facts straight
i'm telling you the truth
you're too hung up and bout it
and you don't really know what she needs
Aaron & nick:
i'm the one, she told me so
i don't want to be the one to tell you
it's not you she wants to see, it's me
aaron & nick:
so give i up, turn her loose
you and here were never meant to be
you're too blind to see
you gotta let it be, she wants me me
she wants
aaron & nick:
me me
you gotta let it be she wants
hahaha. yeah right. no, she wants me...
heh, whatever, yo
she wants me...
no way
i'm gonna tell you somethin, yo
she wants me...
Aaron & nick:
i'm the on, she told me so
i don't want to be the one to tell you
it's not you she wants to see, it's me
so give it up, turn her loose
you and here were never meant to be
you're too blind to see
you gotta let it be, she wants
i'm the one whe told me so
i don't want to be the one to tell you
it's not you she wants to see, it's me
so give it up, turn her loose
you and here were never meant to be
you're too blind to see
you gotta let it be, she wants me me
she wants me
give it up, she wants me me
o yeah, she wants
aaron & nick:
me me
ohh,she wants me

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