MUSICA DE Aaron Carter

Letra de Aaron Carter - Summertime, Musica de Aaron Carter - Summertime

Aaron Carter - Summertime

Letra de Aaron Carter - Summertime
Grab your stuff and lets all go outside
bang your head to this tune in your ride
leavin' all you cares right behind
for the summertime
everybody starts to feel the vibe
drinks are in cooler chilled on ice
lay back and unwind cuz
nothing else matters
for the summertime
I've been working real hard
for just one reason
i've been waiting all year
for just one season
the season that reminds me of palm trees
the smell,the ocean breeze
and the sense or bein' free
barbecues and pool parties
what i call fun
Hangin with the honeys
and enjoyin the sun
24 hours just to clean the benz
so you can cruise donw the
boulevard with your friends
Sights on the beach have got your mind blowin
drinks on the chill
the money is flowin'
right here is where you belong
so if your down with me
get up and come along
So grab your stuff and lets all go outside
bang your head to this tune in your ride
leavin' all your cares right behind
for the summertime
everybody starts to feel the vibe
drinks are in the cooler chilled on ice
lay back and unwind cuz
nothing else matters
for the summertime
Had to take a sip of ma's homemade
freshly squeezed lemonade
check out the honeys in my brand new shades
as they lay on the sand
toppin' up on the tans
take in the scenery
the mood is fine
nobodys wearin their watches
nobodys checkin the time
there is only one thing that's on everybody's mine
thats the summer the summer
the summertime
Sights on the beach have got
your mind blowin
drinks on the chill
the money is flowin'
right here is where you belong
so if your down with me
get up and come along
So grab your stuff and lets all go outside
bang your head to this tune in your ride
leavin' all your cares right behind
for the summertime
everybody starts to feel the vibe
drinks are in the cooler chilled on ice
lay back and unwind cuz
nothing else matters
for the summertime
Right now we're going to bring it to ya one time
touring your ride
leavin all you cares right behind
everybody is feelin the vibe
of the summer, of the summer
Grab your bags and lets go back inside
bang your head to this tune in your ride
but didnt we have a good time?
Destinations home,thats where we're going
the drinks are gone and the cash stopped flowin'
say goodnight to all of your friends
cuz when tomorrow comes
we're gonna do it all again
So grab your stuff and lets all go outside
bang your head to this tune in your ride
leavin' all your cares right behind
for the summertime
everybody starts to feel the vibe
drinks are in the cooler chilled on ice
lay back and unwind cuz
nothing else matters
for the summertime
So grab your stuff and lets all go outside
bang your head to this tune in your ride
leavin' all your cares right behind
for the summertime
everybody starts to feel the vibe
drinks are in the cooler chilled on ice
lay back and unwind cuz
nothing else matters
for the summertime!


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© 2010 Aaron Carter - Summertime - Musica - Video - Letra
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