MUSICA DE Aaron Carter

Letra de Aaron Carter - Throgh Me Own Eyes, Musica de Aaron Carter - Throgh Me Own Eyes

Aaron Carter - Throgh Me Own Eyes

Letra de Aaron Carter - Throgh me own eyes
[Kayla:] Give me a world that's equal on all sides
[Aaron:] Let freedom flow as constant as the tides
[Kayla:] I pray with each sunset, don't forget to rise
[Aaron:] (Don't forget to rise)
[Kayla:] I live without regret
[Both:] For ordinary lives

[Both:] I'm lookin' at life through my own eyes
Searchin' for a hero to idolize
Feeling the pain as innocence dies
Looking at life through my own eyes
I'm hoping and praying for a brighter day
I listen to my heart and I obey
How can I see it any other way?
I'm looking at life (looking at life)
Through my own eyes

[Aaron:] I see a land with liberty for all
[Kayla:] Yet still I know the truth will rise and fall
[Aaron:] (Oooh yeah-yeh)
That's just the way it goes
[Both:] A word now to the wise
The world was made to change
Each day is a surprise

[Both:] Lookin' at life through my own eyes
Searchin' for a hero to idolize
Feeling the pain as innocence dies
Looking at life through my own eyes
I'm hoping and praying for a brighter day
I listen to my heart and I obey
How can I see it any other way?
Looking at life (looking at life)
Through my own eyes

[Both:] And I know when you're looking for the truth
If you go and read between the lines
You'll discover how and why

[Aaron (rap):] I take my heart into battle
Give that freedom bell a rattle
Get my independence signed
Declare it on the dotted line
In Philidelphia freedom ring
And patriotic voices sing
Red White & Blue never give up
We represent America

[Both:] I'm lookin' at life through my own eyes
Searchin' for a hero to idolize
Feeling the pain as innocence dies
Looking at life through my own eyes
I'm hoping and praying for a brighter day
I listen to my heart and I obey
How can I see it any other way?
I'm looking at life (looking at life)
Through my own eyes

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