MUSICA DE Aaron Carter

Letra de Aaron Carter - When It Comes To You, Musica de Aaron Carter - When It Comes To You

Aaron Carter - When It Comes To You

Letra de Aaron Carter - When It Comes To You
6:30, mama gets you outta bed
you e-mail what you're gonna wear to your girlfriend
you skip breakfast, forget your backpack
when you're halfway, you run back

you're a daddy's angel, with a halo
everybody's lookin' at you more like j. lo
but there's so much more to you

so put me to the test
i don't hafta guess
what you wanna know now, baby?

when it comes to you
i know everything and anything
what you like to do, what you like to wear
what you're putting in your hair
i know you smile when you get mad
i know the green mile makes you sad
i'll stop for now
but i ain't through, no
when it comes to you

now, you're middle name is august
but i remember
you were born in november
you lived in jersey
but you're from ontario
your twin sisters like to talk in stereo

we got so much in common
but there's so much more we can do

so put me to the test
i don't even have to sweat
what you wanna know now, baby?


yeah, when it comes to you

i want you to know, baby, i've been studyin'
pullin' all-nighters when i could've been partyin'
i can't fail, it's in the details
understandin' all that which is female

some guys don't ever see what they're missin'
talkin' about their tales, when they should be listenin'
i pay attention, to the things you say to me
when it comes to you, it's in my memory

[chorus x2]

when it comes to you
when it comes to you


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