MUSICA DE Aaron Carter

Letra de Aaron Carter - For Ever Your Love, Musica de Aaron Carter - For Ever Your Love

Aaron Carter - For Ever Your Love

Letra de Aaron Carter - For ever your love

I lie awake, thinking of you
Wondering why I do
the things I do.
How could I let, your love escape
When all I can do is wait..

I can't stop
Your love's still there.
The ghost of you haunts
my mind everywhere.
I'll find a way
to make it right
and someday soon
i'll get you back in
my life.
Faces change
and time goes by
a new day comes
but I won't change my mind
How can I stop what
I'm dreaming of
I'll wait---
I'll wait forever for your love
Forever for your love.

Lonely days
and sleepless nights
remembering why
your touch felt right.
You'll be in my heart
for always
Things I hear
nothing is always the same.

I can't stop
Your love's still there.
The ghost of you haunts
my mind everywhere.
I'll find a way
to make it right
and someday soon i'll
get you back every
Faces change
and time goes by
a new day comes
but I won't change my mind
How can I stop what
I'm dreaming of
I'll wait---
I'll wait forever for your love
Forever for your love.

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