MUSICA DE Aaron Carter

Letra de Aaron Carter - Get Up On Ya Feet, Musica de Aaron Carter - Get Up On Ya Feet

Aaron Carter - Get Up On Ya Feet

Letra de Aaron Carter - Get up on ya feet
Here we go now
Here we go now
Here we go now
Ah, come on

Get up on ya feet now
Gonna rock the place
Can'tcha see the smile on my face
Give it to me high, give it to me low
Give it to me - here we go
Get up on ya feet now
Gonna raise the roof
Can't stop now
We're crawlin' on through
Get up on ya feet now

Hyped up, phsyced out, ready to go
Say ya gotta believe, ya gotta put on the show
Everybody's on the floor sayin ???
Face to face now we're comin' back
Hear the noise and feel the heat
From block to block, and down every street

Don't have to run when ya get the call
Beat the buzz is through it all
Make some noise all you girls and boys
Come on. We're all fired up and ready to roll
Fire it up, fire it up. Here we go

Get up on ya feet now
Gonna rock the place
Can'tcha see the smile on my face
Give it to me high, give it to me low
Give it to me - here we go
Get up on ya feet now
Gonna raise the roof
Can't stop now
We're crawlin' on through
Get up on ya feet now

Pumped up, funked up, ready to ryhme
From state to state
Workin' over time
When that runaway trains rippin' down the track
Jump aboard and don't look back
Now ya got the flow
It's time to show
The whole world that you're no joke

Don't have to run when ya get the call
Beat the buzz is through it all
Make some noise all you girls and boys
Come on. We're all fired up and ready to roll
Fire it up, fire it up. Here we go

Get up on ya feet now
Gonna rock the place
Can'tcha see the smile on my face
Give it to me high, give it to me low
Give it to me - here we go
Get up on ya feet now
Gonna raise the roof
Can't stop now
We're crawlin' on through
Get up on ya feet now

Here we go. Fire it up. Come on. Get up
Fire it up. Come on. Get up
Here we go. Fire it up. Come on. Get up
Ohhh, there it is

Fire it up. Come on. Get up
Fire it up. Come on. Get up
Fire it up. Come on. Get up
Ohhh, there it is

So make some noise all you girls and boys
Come on. We're all fired up and we're ready to roll
Fire it up, fire it up. Here we go

Get up on ya feet now
Gonna rock the place
Can'tcha see the smile on my face
Give it to me high, give it to me low
Give it to me - here we go
Get up on ya feet now
Gonna raise the roof
Can't stop now
We're crawlin' on through
Get up on ya feet now

(On the East coast)
Get up on ya feet now
(On the West coast)
Get up on ya feet now
(Throw your arms to the side) Get up on ya feet now
(Come on everybody) Get up on ya feet now
(Who wants to party) Yipe-yay-yipe-io

Get up on ya feet now

Letra de Aaron Carter - Get up on ya feet, Descargar Musica de Aaron Carter - Get up on ya feet, Escuchar musica online de Aaron Carter - Get up on ya feet, Get up on ya feet - Aaron Carter Descargar Gratis, Bajar mp3 de Aaron Carter - Get up on ya feet, free download de Get up on ya feet - Aaron Carter music

Video Oficial de Get up on ya feet - Aaron Carter

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© 2010 Aaron Carter - Get Up On Ya Feet - Musica - Video - Letra
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