MUSICA DE Aaron Carter

Letra de Aaron Carter - Keep Believing, Musica de Aaron Carter - Keep Believing

Aaron Carter - Keep Believing

Letra de Aaron Carter - Keep Believing
When i look into your sad eyes
it makes me feel for you
cuz i don't see the light
that was always shining through

someone broke your heart
and now it's easy to give up
i'm tellin' you it's not the end
it's not the end of love

keep believin', baby
cuz everything happens for a reason
though tonight tears fill your eyes
don't stop dreamin', girl
i'll be right here to lean on
you're gonna make it through
i wanna see you
keep believin'

has anybody ever told you
how beautiful you truly are?
how just one smile from you
can open up any heart?

you deserve that, too
let somebody lift you up
you gotta know somewhere out there
you're gonna find love, yeah


keep believin', just have faith
i promise the clouds'll break
and someday soon you'll see the sun
and find someone


keep believin'


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